Persona Grata
Persona Grata stands in opposition to the state of being disliked as referred to by the original saying "Persona Non Grata;" This is a community activity that points the individual to accept of the values that make one unique and leave one's mark on the world, while also encouraging the individual to recognize these values.
As EKA Creative Studio's first community event, designed in collaboration with Youth For Good and held at ATÖLYE Bomontiada, we met with young people to help individuals discover their unique values in a safe and intimate space and to accept and honor these values.

In Persona Grata, we started by exploring the value definitions of the participants and embarked on a journey of liberation with the questions asked during the workshop:
We gathered our focus on the same target with the five questions we shared before the event.
We organized an acquaintance circle to introduce our essence to each other.
We thought about why we are valuable and shared how focusing on this issue made us feel.
Through the practice of active listening, we tried to solidify the feelings and thoughts of the participants who told us about their most precious moments.
We conducted an impact measurement study by re-directing the 5 questions we shared before the event to the participants.