KOSE: Inclusive, Restorative and Sustainable Events Guide
We came together with Roots & Shoots Turkey and Youth for Good team based on our observations that the events we participate in, regardless of their content and our identities, have room for improvement in both theory and practice in terms of inclusion, restoration and sustainability.

After establishing our roadmap for the IRSE guide through in-depth discussions, literature reviews, preliminary expert interviews and surveys, we realized we were for long in need of such a guide because:
There were many examples where the identity and themes of events did not coincide with their content and implementation.
There is a challenge in adopting a holistic approach to events that includes inclusion, restoration and sustainability perspectives.
For a variety of reasons, event designers are ineffective in prioritizing and integrating these principles into their design processes.
There is a lack of a resource that is prepared with relevant expert knowledge and user experience support, which can act as a facilitator, save time and strengthen the identity of the event.
In order to support the literature reviews we conducted in this context and to conclude our survey studies with a solution set, we came together with 23 experts in their fields and took our work one step further; under the five pre-determined main topics, we identified the steps that can be followed in order to have an inclusive, restorative and sustainable event experience in the pre-event, during and post-event processes and brought them together in our guide!
How do we design a a truly inclusive, restorative and a sustainable event?
To answer this question, we identified five focus areas that are essential for an event:
Rights-Based Approach
Children's Rights
Harmony with Nature
Inclusivity and Accessibility
Waste Management and Upcycling
What is Restorativeness?
Restorativeness is a state of taking action and producing better versions of oneself, aiming for the good for oneself and the beneficiaries.
What is Inclusivity?
Inclusiveness is an approach that embraces diversity and treats living beings and their habitats and different forms and forms of life with love, respect and understanding.
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability is life; it is acting with the responsibility to protect ourselves, other living beings and this Earth for as long as we exist.